Our Vision Is to Help Make the Internet Accessible to Everyone While Protecting Our Clients from Unnecessary Legal Exposure

Our Story

Our story starts in 2004 when we began providing SEO services. Over time we became an end-to-end digital marketing agency that included web design, programming, and marketing services.

In 2017, our web design team started getting alarming calls from clients complaining that they had been sued by law firms in New York, Florida, and California for not being ADA or WCAG compliant. Our initial reaction was anger. It seemed to us that the only motivation behind these law firms was to make a quick buck and move on. It took us a while to realize that although many of these lawyers were opportunistic, their motivations were not rooted purely in greed and that the relevant ADA laws were enacted to help literally millions of Americans who otherwise would not have easy access to the web.

After helping innumerable website owners to make their sites ADA compliant, we finally got a chance to meet the people who were benefiting from the sites we fixed. We found with great joy that the work we were doing really mattered in these people’s lives. As individuals who are not visually or mobility impaired, we had no idea initially what a challenge it is for a blind person to navigate a pop-up window or to checkout a product on an ecommerce store.

We have also witnessed the frustration and pain felt by blind people who could not easily navigate or understand what a web page was all about. It is hard for someone who has their eyesight to understand the challenges that a person with a screen reader encounters when navigating a site or what happens when they try and fill out a form.

We got to see firsthand what a difference accessibility has on the lives of millions of people who cannot use a mouse or keyboard and are now able to use accessible websites with an alternative pointing device.

The work that we are doing continues to impact the lives of millions of people every day. We strive each day to improve our accessibility technology so we can serve as many people as possible.

Our Goals Are as Follows

  • To help the 15% of the population that relies on an alternative way to access the web
  • To protect our clients from legal exposure
  • To provide technology and services needed to quickly and cost-effectively achieve the two goals above

Helping to Make the Web More Accessible

Web accessibility does not encompass one audience, and we are dedicated to helping the 1 in 4 Americans who are living with some type of disability.

Visually impaired

According to the National Center for Health Statistics, 26.9 million American adults live with visual impairments, including blindness. Many of these individuals require keyboard-only navigation or increased contrast to use a website. We enable visually impaired users to increase the website font size or change the font style so it is more readable. Some of the other solutions we offer involve enlarging the cursor and removing color from images and text to make them easier to read.

Persons with severe visual impairments require the use of screen readers. Our technology works to make this experience better for this demographic so that they enjoy the benefits of enhanced navigation, improved image names, easy-to-understand link descriptions, and meaningful form fields, to name a few features.

People with epilepsy

There are 3.4 million people in America living with epilepsy resulting in recurrent seizures, according to the Epilepsy Foundation. These Americans are often apprehensive about opening a new website as flashing images can trigger a seizure. Our technology helps to halt these flashing images so that sites can be safely navigated.

Motor impaired

There are 19.9 million Americans who are motor impaired and cannot use a mouse or keyboard easily. Our technology allows full navigation with just a handful of keyboard keys (tab keys, arrow keys, space bar, and enter keys).

Protecting Our Clients From Legal Exposure

We understand that not complying with Section 508 of the ADA standards exposes our clients to legal trouble. It also harms a company’s reputation by making it appear unfriendly or even hostile to disabled individuals. Websites that do not meet the accessibility guidelines can be fined $50,000 for the first infringement and $100,000 for subsequent violations. Those figures don’t even include legal fees and compensation for damages.

Our goal is to make our clients’ sites compliant as quickly and cost-effectively as possible and to protect them going forward by providing technology and maintenance solutions so they are not legally exposed.

Technology and Services to Quickly and Cost-Effectively Make Websites Accessible

As a technology company, our goal is to automate as many of the fixes to a site as possible while not impeding the user experience for the site visitor. We are dedicated to using AI to constantly improve and speed up the process of remediation. We also understand that not all fixes can be made by a machine and that experts who truly understand accessibility are needed to make the web a better place for all.